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Becoming A Host Home

We sometimes receive request for help from members of our community who need a temporary home. Whether its due to natural disasters or unexpected loss we strive to help these individuals. If you are willing and have space to spare, please consider opening your home to those in need. 

By becoming a host home, you will be on a list of people to contact should a member of our community need help. The Center will reach out to you see if you think your home would be a good fit for the individual(s) in need.


Host Home Application

Please fill out the information below to become a host home for those in need in the Greater Dayton Area.  If a member of our community reaches out to us in need of temporary housing, we will reach out to you and see if they are a good fit for your home. 

Please select which of the following is permissible at your home: Required

Thanks for submitting!

Greater Dayton LGBT Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.


We offer a comprehensive, community-based service organization to the gender and sexual minorities of the Dayton and Miami Valley area by providing event spaces, activities, and resources that encourage advocacy, education, and entertainment.

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